Best morning ritual- Abhyanga self-massage

Nourish and heal with Rituals Saturate your self with love. Anoint your body with this ritual called abhyanga self-massage and you’ll see why I’m in love with it. My hair looks better, my skin is softer, my nerves calmer and my sleep better. I made a video for you about abhyanga self-massage. You can watch the video here: Warm sesame oil applied with loving care is to me a kind of “laying-on of hands”. It’s more than the massage, the properties of the oil, the peaceful time in your bathroom. This practice allows us to reconnect with our bodies with love and care and healing energies. I read that abhyanga is like being saturated

Video Interview~Healing with beauty and creativity

How we heal, how we connect with the creation-energy in us, how we honor the beauty inside and around us… this too is sacred ground.I am passionate about beauty, expression, and finding moments in your day to bring them forth, in whatever ways you do that. I loved doing this interview~everything I love talking about including what healing is, what creative expression can look like, my own ways of connecting to creation-energies, and how to stay in your body so that you are present for when they want to find you. I also want to make sure you know about the exquisite program that Hali created- Spectrum 2015. 25 women are sharing their wisdom and techniques on healing, creativity, and to access the great early bird