Complications The longer my tenure with diabetes goes, the more I think about the point when it’s all going to catch up to me. Besides the finger pricks, highs/lows, Endo visits and pump/syringes, I’ve led a pretty normal last 13 years or so with diabetes. I haven’t let this disease take away anything that I’ve […]…………………………………………………………… I want to sincerely thank you for your continued support. This blog is better because of you. Check out Blogging Diabetes on Facebook and join the conversation! Diabetes Day of Reckoning is a post from: Blogging Diabetes
Tag: complications
Diabetic Complication
Having diabetes for about 12 years now, there are two things that I watch very closely and have been proud to have never had any issues. ; The two things are: my feet and my eyes. ; I have always been someone who runs hot and have never had any circulation issues. ; Someday I’m sure this will […]…………………………………………………………… I want to sincerely thank you for your continued support. This blog is better because of you. Check out Blogging Diabetes on Facebook and join the conversation! Diabetic Complication is a post from: Blogging Diabetes