You may have already seen the ads for Vyvanse, the new FDA-approved drug for the treatment of binge eating disorder. Vyvanse was originally marketed for the treatment of ADHD, but Shire Pharmaceuticals, the drug’s manufacturer, is now promoting it as “an effective option to help curb episodes of binge eating.” Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most widespread of all eating disorders and affects 1{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} to 5{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} of Americans. For years it was classified as a medical condition. But in 2013 the authors of DSM-V saw the light and classified BED as an eating disorder. Psychological variables such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety can trigger BED. Genetic predisposition, a close relative with an eating disorder or drug addiction or the metabolic disturbances caused