But sometimes? Sometimes running on autopilot doesn’t work so well. Like this morning when I did my site change. I estimate that I’ve done well over 1,200 site changes in my years of pumping, so I most certainly run on autopilot when I do them. Remove the old site. Rewind the pump. Disinfect both my skin and the insulin bottle. Fill the new reservoir. Tap out the bubbles. Connect the tubing. Prime and confirm that I see drops of insulin at the end of the needle. Remove needle guard. Insert site.
Oops!! That’s right, I missed a step. PEEL BACKING OFF OF ADHESIVE!!! My fresh new site immediately fell out because I didn’t expose the “glue” that keeps it stuck to me for the next three days.
Just because I’ve done something more than 1,200 times doesn’t mean I shouldn’t continue to pay closer attention during the next 1,200 times. Because autopilot apparently doesn’t always work out so well…..